"Welcome To Our Country Nest"
Fun and Friendly
Site Competition for Members Only!

We are Now closed. OCN Site Competiton is No longer here.. Thanks you all who did partisipate and who all helped!! HUgs Cattz Owner OCN

Look How Happy Our Farm is





~Special Announcement~
We are closed!!!

~Guidelines for Participation~

  • "You must be a member of Our Country Nest"

  • Your site must display your teams voting banner,
     if you move up you must put your new banner up..

  • You must vote for yourself at least twice a week.
    If you do not in a two week period
     then you will be removed, from the Competition.

  • If you move up to the second level or the highest level,
    you will stay there for three weeks and if you do not advance,
    you will be moved back down to your starting team again.
    Unless you wont to be on a different Team then you
    need to let me know. 

  • Most of all ((HAVE FUN))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    ~Rules for Voting~

  • Only one vote per ISP address, per e-mail,
    per day for EACH member. (Meaning you may vote for more than
    one person with the same e-mail address from the same ISP address.)

  • Voting runs Monday through Friday Only, from 12:00 A.M. -11:59 P.M. Eastern
    Standard Time (E.S.T.)  No voting on Sat. or Sun.

  • No voting exchanges. 
    This is where one person says, I'll vote for you if you
    vote for me.  This is not allowed. 

  • You may NOT post in Other webrings or group
    forums or message boards asking for votes.  
    Certainly there are private forums/boards and this does not apply

  • You Must vote for yourself At least twice
    a week! Or you will be removed from the Competition

  • You can vote for
    yourself once a day! from one ISP address/ per email address.

  • Your site must display your teams voting banner,
    if you move up you must put your new banner up..

  • Your co-workers, family and
    friends may all vote once a day from one ISP address/ per email address. 
    If this is not clear to you, please write me at
    the e-mail address down below and I will clarify any questions.

    Here is a list of our Lower Teams that
     will be competing.

    Cacklen Chicken's

    Little Lamb's

    Ribbity Frog's

    Cute Honey Bear's

    One winner of Cacklen Chicken's and 
    Little Lamb's will
    move up to the Second Level

    Hippity Hoppity Bunnie's

    One winner of Ribbity Frog's and 
    Cute Honey Bear's
    will move up to Bashful Turtle's~
        Bashful Turtle's

    One winner from each team above will advance to
    the final Team called
    "Annie's Mice"
    Annie's Mice

    The Winner of Annie's Mice will move

    [Out to the Pasture Winners!]

    Meet the "Flying Pigs" OUr great Coaches

    Flying Pigs

    Click Here To

    We have added team cheer pages. Come by and check them Out!

    Teams Cheer Pages

    You will receive conformation in your e-mail
    as to which team you will start on
    before the Monday of each
    new beginning week of competition!

    If you have any questions, please feel
    free to e-mail me!

    Page Set We got From Nut Meg Creations & Graphic Gardens.
    Thanks you Ladies for Letting us use Them!
    Go On by and Visit them!


    The Cute Team Logo I got From these Places.
    Thanks Ladies for Letting me use these!
    Why Don't you go by and see them!!


    Page Maintained and Owned by
    Our Country Nest~©2002 - 2003

    Nothing on this page is for download!